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2005-11-10 - 7:07 p.m.

So here I am again. Bored and feeling the need to type away some crazy ideas and stuff.

My birthday came and went and I am now 25 years old. I got completely smashed and had a great time. Apparently after 4 shots of Tequila and 6 beers, I hit my zone. I was hammered the entire night from that. Lots of fun. No hang over, no puking (I am Irish), and no weird food. It was a good birthday.

I notice I have been swearing a lot recently so this will be completely swear free. I want to see how many times I have to backspace out swear words and so far I am up to 3. Interesting. I am a potty mouth.

It makes me wonder what life would be if we used the proper terms for things...

This White Castle tastes like defecation. I really think someone defecated on this food because it tastes and smells just like defecation. Whoever thought this food was good needs to go to the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death and die. I hope this defecationhead fatherless anus oraphace gets sexually intercoursed until they realize how God condeming bad this food is. Sexual intercourse this place, sexual intercourse their employees and everyone who sexual intercoursing looks like them, and sexual intercourse you mother sexual intercourser.

That's not easy to keep it clean. I had to reread that like 7 times.

Speaking of life changing, the OC is finally back on. I can finally show my true gay colors and let the rainbow fly! I hate that I like this show, but it is on tonight. I think we need to pay a special tribute to how hot the women on the show. Lets take a look at them shall we?

To begin with, my own personal favorite, Rachel Bilson AKA Summer:

*cueing up the dream weaver music*

She's very hot. Enough said.

Next we go to Julie. Sassy and hot, yet old enough to be your mom.

Sticking with the mom theme, let's go to Kirsten...

Got to love the blondes...

Anyways, enjoy that and more importantly,

Go sexual intercourse yourself defecatehead.

And most of these pictures still have the tag as to where I got them from so don't sue me or something. I don't know how that crap goes.

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Moving sites! - 2006-10-04
Engaged, dogs, cheese and grapes - 2006-06-01
Breaking and Entering - 2006-05-10 is for fags - 2006-03-28
I rock - 2006-03-06

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